
I Ching Sites

Astrology and the I Ching Divination by Planets The I Ching is a zodiac of 64 division. Using the planets position in the Zodiac degree as the way to see the hexagram it is affected by.

I Ching and Astrology How the cycles in the I Ching correspond to the cycles in astrology.

I Ching Hexagrams I Ching Hexagrams I Ching Hexagrams is a site with new interpretations for each hexagram and line. They are written for the individual and references to the Superior Man have been replaced. Still the teaching remains….without blame!

A collection of cosmic connections to the I Ching. How numbers, the Kabbalah, and the seven rays relate to the I Ching, and to many other systems of understanding.

On this site you will find applications of the I Ching to rhythm, melody and to chanting. This takes the I Ching interpretations beyond the realm of words.

Music of the Spheres Celestial and cosmic music.

I Ching Related Sites

RASA School of Astrology:  A ten level curriculum with an International Home Study Scholarship program. The course material is closely aligned with the I Ching.

The Celestial Harp  A 72 stringed instrument designed to play the I Ching and the Horoscope.

Forest Woodhenge   A 130 post woodhenge- super sundial -sacred space.

Iastro Store Iastro store sells astrological, mystical, and I Ching related materials. It directly represents Robin Armstrong and the RASA School of Astrology. There are classes, lectures, music cds, videos, and material about sacred spaces. You can also receive a monthly newsletter if you wish.

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