Find Hexagram Interpretation
Example Hexagram

Now you have divined a hexagram figure.
To find out which hexagram it is and where the information about it is,
Go to the Find Hexagram # table to find the Hexagram Number.
The top three lines, the upper trigram, are all broken.
The bottom three lines, the lower trigram, are all solid.
Across the top line of the table the upper trigrams are listed.
Look for the upper trigram of the hexagram you threw.
In this case:

On the left hand side of the table the lower trigrams are listed.
Follow the column of the three broken lines down to the row of the three solid lines.
In that square you will the hexagram number.
you will see: 11 for Hexagram #11
Now look it up!
Go to Hexagram Numbers to Degrees Quick Reference under Correspondences, in the website.
In this case scroll down and find the Hexagram 11 called Peace.
11 15-18TA Peace.
This tells you that Hexagram 11 is in 15 to 18 degrees of Taurus, and that it is the hexagram called Peace.
11. Peace

In our case there are three changing lines:
the 9 in the 2nd place (solid)
the 9 in the 3rd place (solid)
and the 6 in the 5th place (broken)
To answer the question:
Go to

The hexagram texts are entered here under half seasons. Taurus is in the light half of Spring. If you don’t know which half-season to go to, find the season… Taurus is a Spring Zodiac sign. Look up the hexagrams under each section of Spring until you find Hexagram 11.

Scroll onto Hexagram 11 and then move the cursor over to Hexagram 11 Text. Then Click on it to get the hexagram interpretation.

Look at the correspondences in the sequence.
Read the implications of what is above and what is below.
Visualize and study the image.
Contemplate the judgement.
Reflect on the family relationship.
And consider the zodiac considerations.
This will give you the main factors concerning your situation.
(You can also look this hexagram up in an I Ching book under the section for Hexagram 11 PEACE. )
Once you have read and thought about the hexagram text then you need to read each of the changing lines.
The Changing Lines:
The changing lines reveal what is changing now as you ask the question. As a rule you will only read the changing lines.
The first line to read is the nine in the second place.
The second line to read is the nine in the third place.
The third line to read is the six in the fifth place.
These changing lines inform you about what is going on now with regards to your question. These are the factors of change that will be affecting you. They give you specific advice about the nature of these changes, which will, of course, work themselves out within the context or implications of the hexagram (Peace).
Study these lines carefully until you know what or who they relate to and what the implications are for you.
Now click on Hexagram 11 Line 2. This explains the implication of this changing line. Read it and contemplate it for awhile.

Now click on Hexagram 11 Line 3. This explains the implication of this changing line. Read it and contemplate it for awhile.

Now click on Hexagram 11 Line 5. This explains the implication of this changing line. Read it and contemplate it for awhile.

The Future Implications or Consideration Hexagram:
Now take the original hexagram 11 of Peace with the changing lines marked on it. Make a new hexagram by turning changing lines into their opposite (a solid into a broken and a broken into a solid). The other lines remain the same.

This gives you a new hexagram in which there are no changing lines. This hexagram is related to where you are going or where things are headed. Sometimes it is simply something to be concerned about. At other times it may just give you something deeper to contemplate about what is coming up. It is not always the exact outcome. Sometimes it might suggest what to avoid or be wary of.
It basically suggests the implications of the changes set in motion in the first hexagram thrown (Peace) and in its changing lines.
Go to the Find Hexagram # tab under the Divination section and look up the hexagram number.

You will find Hexagram 3.
Now look it u p!
Go to Hexagram Numbers to Degrees Quick Reference under Correspondences, in the website.

In this case scroll down and find the Hexagram 3 called Difficulty at the Beginning
3 12-18CP Difficulty At The Beginning.
It tells you that the hexagram is from 12 to 18 degrees of Capricorn, in the winter.
So now you have the hexagram number, and the zodiac sign for it and the name.
Now you need to find the text and read it.
Go to

Click on the winter-dark tab, scroll down to Hexagram 3, and over to Hexagram 3 Text. Then click on it.
Now read and think about the future implications of this hexagram.
Do not read any of the lines in this secondary hexagram. Just read the main information.